The colors of autumn
This post was meant to made a long time ago. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog :( Haha, why am I even apologizing? Nobody reads my Blogger anyways. All of y'all are constantly stalking me on Tumblr...
I visited Binghamton, what, three weeks ago? The campus is extremely ugly. I can't imagine myself going to school there, as I am somebody who not wants, but needs, to be surrounded by prettiness. The bus ride to and back was pretty fun; I met some new people :D Oh teenagers, there's nothing like singing songs at the back of the bus.

Two weekends ago, I went with my family to a Buddhist Temple upstate. It was a beautiful place, especially because of the fall foliage. It is refreshing to get out of the city every once in a while. Everybody needs some peace and serenity in their lives, right? To de-stress and just get away...

The past week has been stressful, being a Questbridge finalist and all. I did not expect to be a finalist, but here I am, scramming to get last minute supplementary materials. I'm not putting in maximum effort because I know that I will not get the scholarship. Everyone is telling me, "You never know!" But I know. I know not to put my hopes on something. I like some of my Regular Decision schools, anyways :)
I visited Binghamton, what, three weeks ago? The campus is extremely ugly. I can't imagine myself going to school there, as I am somebody who not wants, but needs, to be surrounded by prettiness. The bus ride to and back was pretty fun; I met some new people :D Oh teenagers, there's nothing like singing songs at the back of the bus.

Two weekends ago, I went with my family to a Buddhist Temple upstate. It was a beautiful place, especially because of the fall foliage. It is refreshing to get out of the city every once in a while. Everybody needs some peace and serenity in their lives, right? To de-stress and just get away...

The past week has been stressful, being a Questbridge finalist and all. I did not expect to be a finalist, but here I am, scramming to get last minute supplementary materials. I'm not putting in maximum effort because I know that I will not get the scholarship. Everyone is telling me, "You never know!" But I know. I know not to put my hopes on something. I like some of my Regular Decision schools, anyways :)
Beautiful pictures. =)
I like how you went to ugly campus to beautiful Temple. Lol.
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