I just thought I'd do a quick little update before I go to sleep. I'm supposed to wake up pretty early to visit Binghamton University tomorrow but I'm still up for some reason. I guess it's because I watched this movie called Keith and now my mind is restless.
School is fine. The stress is starting to kick in--and by stress I mean real stress. The long homeworks, plentiful essays and projects, if you go to Tech you know how it works here. College applications are driving me nuts as well. Even though I'm done with Questbridge there's still so much to do with the Common App! I'm very grateful for having Yearbook last period because I get to end my day with these lovely people. (Yes we made a pyramid!)

This Friday I got to see my best friend again :) I haven't seen her since September and it was lovely catching up with her at Union Square (our favorite place to be). Like we always do, we ate ice cream at McDonalds, bummed around Barnes & Nobles, and walked around the street markets. I think we're both at that point in our pathetic little teenage lives where we just don't know what the hell we are doing with ourselves. Can I even call this a mid-life teenage crisis?

School is fine. The stress is starting to kick in--and by stress I mean real stress. The long homeworks, plentiful essays and projects, if you go to Tech you know how it works here. College applications are driving me nuts as well. Even though I'm done with Questbridge there's still so much to do with the Common App! I'm very grateful for having Yearbook last period because I get to end my day with these lovely people. (Yes we made a pyramid!)

This Friday I got to see my best friend again :) I haven't seen her since September and it was lovely catching up with her at Union Square (our favorite place to be). Like we always do, we ate ice cream at McDonalds, bummed around Barnes & Nobles, and walked around the street markets. I think we're both at that point in our pathetic little teenage lives where we just don't know what the hell we are doing with ourselves. Can I even call this a mid-life teenage crisis?

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