I'm baaaack!
I came back to New York City on the night of July 22nd. That 16 hour plane ride is torture, I tell you. The jet lag I got afterwards was not so fun either. Thank goodness it's gone now. My New York life is now back on track--it took me a day or two to adjust. Life here is so different from life in China. I felt like such a different person once I stepped foot in America. Strange, hm?
I went to several places: Beijing, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Zhanjiang (my hometown). Beijing and Hong Kong are beautiful, but in different ways. I was only in Shenzhen for a day but I like the atmosphere. Zhanjiang is my hometown, so what can I say? I love it with my whole heart, even though some aspects of it are not very pleasing. I'm so glad I got to spend time with my family members in China.

Currently, I am volunteering at Red Apple's daycare center in Chinatown (like last summer). The kids are adorable but sometimes they just don't listen. I literally have to chase them around sometimes. My official first week in New York only started but I'm pretty busy so far. My whole week is jam packed with plans and so far I'm enjoying it :) I'm a bit tired, though. I saw Eclipse and Inception with Samiha today and Inception really toyed with my mind. Great movie. I'll need to rewatch it to fully appreciate it.
I've been going through some little bumps in the road but I finally got past it. Since most of my problems take place in the apex of my mind, I always need to reevaluate myself in order to solve my problems. I vow to have a brighter outlook on life and just life the gift I was given.
More about China later on! I'll be doing these posts in sections because I have so many photos. (By the way, I decided my 365 project will not be solely self portraits anymore--too much.)
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